
Nationally Ranked

Car Crash Lawyers

Your injuries are not your fault

Your injuries are not your fault, but they affect you and everything you do. Your pain and suffering is constant, and in some cases — permanent. This is a tragedy, and nobody should have to ‘just deal with it.’ It is for this reason that we have laws in place to bring you Justice.

Why Hire An Auto Accident Attorney

A car crash will leave people in a situation where they can’t get to work, and they are too injured to work. Hiring a lawyer is the fastest way to get your life back on track. We can get your car repaired sooner, and most importantly, get you the health care you need ASAP.

Without your own car accident lawyer, insurance companies may offer you some money if you promise not to sue. But the dollar amount is often not enough to pay the bills for car repairs and the doctor’s fees.

In many cases, insurance companies will refuse to pay anything at all and pretend that they do not owe you anything.
Insurance Companies are in a billion dollar industry who make money by NOT paying out insurance claims. They would rather hire defense lawyers who will deny fault for every case that comes their way.

You need to prepare yourself and get a team who:

  1. Knows the laws
  2. Knows what the insurance companies can and can’t do
  3. And can get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

Cronauer Law is here to do just that.

What will car crash lawyer do for me?

An experienced car crash lawyer not only knows how to present your case in court but understands the judges and which evidence is important to them. Judges will rely on the opinions of experts like doctors and car crash scientists when making their verdicts. The lawyers at Cronauer Law will build a team of experts in a way that will secure you the maximum amount of compensation for you and your family after the vehicle accident.

We build a team to get you the maximum compensation

Medical Experts

  • Medical Care and life-care planning experts
  • Surgeon and Doctor testimony

Accident Reconstructionist

  • Mechanical & Structural engineers
  • 3D Animators
  • Accident Reconstruction Experts


  • Economists will use financial data to calculate how much income you lost, as well as the lost opportunities you can no longer secure in the future.

Your lawyer who prepares your case for court

Your Lawyer does much of the heavy lifting to move your case through the court system. And at every step, the defense team will try to limit your case and minimize the amount of compensation they will owe you. Some other duties your lawyer will do:

  • Reading and interpreting the pages of insurance policy jargon involved in your case.
  • Aggressively negotiating with the auto insurance company to get you the maximum amount.
  • Presenting a persuasive case to a judge and jury on your behalf in court.
  • Resolving any health care or other liens attached to your lawsuit in a manner that ensures you receive the amount you need to pay for all of your medical expenses and move on in life with financial security.

Not all Car Crash Lawyers are the same

In fact, most big brand law firms operate as a “Run of the Mill Justice“. Also known as settlement mills. A settlement mills do not actually try to go to trial to get you the maximum amount of compensation the laws give you. Instead, settlement mills will would rather take your car accident case just so they can profit from it at the first chance they have. In other words; even though the law could allow you to sue for $1,000,000, it would be faster for the settlement mill to accept $20,000 from the insurance company, then forget about you the very next day.

The law firm you want to work with is not a settlement mill. You want a legal team who who works only for the injured client, and prepares to go take every client to trial so that they have the best chance at securing the maximum amount the law can provide. The lawyers at Cronauer law have such a strong reputation, our clients refer our team to their friends and family.

Trial Lawyers get larger verdicts and settlements for their clients

$115 M+

Verdicts and settlements won


of satisfied Clients


years of combined experience


ranked at the top of the nation

Recognized by Trial Lawyer Nation

Nicholas Cronauer was recognized for his work in Personal injury by Trial Lawyer Nation, an independent national organization for trial lawyers.
Trial Lawyer Nation

We take pride in what we do

What to expect from the start

We understand that most people may not have hired a lawyer before, so we make it as easy clear as possible. We will answer all of your questions, and guide you through this process. We are here to help you.

Issues that may arise without a lawyer

With you at every step

Cronauer Law has years of experience representing clients who have been seriously injured in motor vehicle crashes.

We know what it takes to win, and have prepared the  the steps we need to take to get the best outcome clients can expect from hiring a lawyer.


No cost first step

Contact us to get the process started. Our lawyers will explain the laws around your case at no cost to you.


building your case

We work with the insurance companies to ensure they fulfill their duties to cover the costs related to the crash


achieving your goals

A car crash can dramatically change how you plan on reaching your life goals. We’ll work with you long after the case has won to ensure your life gets to where it needs to be

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