
An Illinois Record Verdict of $5.3 Million dollars awarded to our client.


$2.5 Million Awarded for our client who was struck by a dumpster truck

$1 Million settlement negotiated for our client. The husband suffered a stroke as a result of improper medical procedures performed during his outpatient surgery.

$1 Million awarded to our client who was driving a motorcycle when he was hit by another vehicle.


$1 Million settlement negotiated for our client involved in an dispute over the Family Estate

$700 Thousand settlement negotiated for our client after a package car turned into our client’s lane.


$700 Thousand Settlement Negotiated for our client who suffered monetary damages as a result of a product that was not performing as advertised.


$600 Thousand Settlement negotiated for our client who suffered injuries as a result of a faulty pressurized pipe. The part was sourced from a foreign manufacturer and was crafted from poor materials and quality controls.

$498 Thousand settlement to our client in a Workers’ Compensation claim.

$300 Thousand Verdict awarded to our client after suffering injuries from a Slip and fall. The employer allowed working areas to deteriorate into unsafe walking conditions for Railroad workers


$250 Thousand Settlement for our client who suffered abuse under the care of a nursing home

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